Rosary Around the Lake Wrap-up Video

What can we do to strengthen our families and our faith in the wake of so much sin, scandal, and hurt? Pray, draw strength from your community, and act to bring healing. The Ruth Institute was the local organizer of the Rosary Coast to Coast event sponsored by Fr. Richard Heilman. (Fr. Heilman is the proprietor of the Roman Catholic Man site. Highly recommended.)

We called our event, “Rosary Around the Lake.” Here is a short video of our event. Sign up for information about next year’s event! Go to

Did you see the enthusiasm? We are so blessed to be in this great community. Over 800 people turned out for this prayer event!

We encouraged people to purchase t-shirts in groups of 10. But 10 blue shirts, get one gold shirt free. Then we lined up as if we were a Rosary, a REALLY BIG ROSARY! Some people missed the deadline for t-shirt purchases. Not to worry. We had chosed the colors of McNeese State University, the local university. Lots of people have “McNeese blue and gold” in their drawers already. So they wore those shirts.

Homemade t-shirts

One group even made their own shirts! The mom pictured here gathered a bunch of her daughters’ friends together. They made their own shirts!

If you participated, please share this with your friends! And sign up for next year. Go to

Enlisting the Army of the Dead: Plenary Indulgences

I realize I may lose some of my non-Catholic readers, but here goes.

Catholics have consistently held that praying for the dead is a good and noble thing. Our prayers and works can help remit some of the punishment due to sin, for those detained in purgatory. Here is a vivid artistic rendering of this point:

J.R.R. Tolkien was a devout Catholic, with a deeply Catholic imagination.  Continue reading “Enlisting the Army of the Dead: Plenary Indulgences”

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