Kudos to the Canadian Bishops Conference

The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops blast PM Trudeau for his plan to fund abortions and challenges to abortion laws in developing countries. The bishops state:
“Such a policy is a reprehensible example of Western cultural imperialism and an attempt to impose misplaced but so-called Canadian “values” on other nations and people. It exploits women when they are most in need of care and support, and tragically subverts true prenatal health care.”

Read their whole statement here.

Pictured: The Most Rev. Douglas Crosby, OMI
Bishop of Hamilton
President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Read the “FAQs” backgrounder published by the PM Justin Trudeau’s government here. These monies are supposed to make up for the loss of US dollars, due to President Trump reinstating the “Mexico City Policy,” which prohibits the expenditure of US dollars on programs that fund abortions overseas.
H/T LifeSiteNews. Kudos to the Canadian Bishops!
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