Man Competing in Miss Universe Contest Another Advance for The Sexual Revolution

BarbWire picked up the Ruth Institute’s story about the first man to enter the Miss Universe contest. Originally published December 24, 2018. 

The center of attention at this year’s Miss Universe Pageant wasn’t the winner – a young lady from the Philippines, who was barely noticed by the media — but Angela Ponce from Spain, a “transgender” man who believes that competing as a woman is a victory for human rights.

Miss Universe Spain, Angela Ponce

Ponce was hailed as the first “transgender” contestant in the pageant’s 67-year history. He said he was there to proudly represent “my nation, all women, and human rights.”

“How can a man who ‘identifies’ as a woman represent ‘all women,’” asked Ruth Institute President, Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse? “What’s called transgenderism is fostered by the culture and advanced by the state, to the detriment of individuals, families, and society.”

Continue reading “Man Competing in Miss Universe Contest Another Advance for The Sexual Revolution”

Stop Exploiting Desmond: A Challenge to the LGBT Community

COMMENTARY: Put an end to the exploitation of an 11-year-old boy.
From the “Desmond is Amazing” website.

Imagine this scenario: A married mother and father encourage their 11-year-old daughter to dress in sexually provocative clothing. They take her to a strip club and allow her to dance onstage. The patrons throw money at her. No one touches the girl in any way, given the environment. What are we to think of these parents?

Now imagine this scenario: A priest invites an altar boy to spend evenings with him. The priest encourages the boy to dress in women’s clothing. The priest tells the boy how nice he looks and how wonderful it is that he is expressing his true self. The boy and the priest spend time together watching videos of men in drag. He arranges for the 11-year-old boy to perform at a nightclub that caters primarily to a homosexual clientele. The patrons throw money at the boy. No one, including the priest, touches the boy, at the club or elsewhere. What are we to think of the priest? Continue reading “Stop Exploiting Desmond: A Challenge to the LGBT Community”

“I Don’t Have to Choose!”

I just got the dearest note from a gal who works with MassResistance, the Truth-Telling group in Massachusetts that confronts the LGBT agenda in the state legislature and in school boards. She was thanking me for the column I wrote in The Stream, about the MassResistance book “The Health Hazards of Homosexuality.”

She has written a gender-affirming children’s book called “I Don’t Have to Choose.” This book supports kids in being comfortable in the bodies they were born in. Ironically, the Right-Wing Watch wrote an article about it, calling it an “anti-trans” book. But they couldn’t quite bring themselves to be nasty. They tell the story, as though it is obviously wrong. But, for any ordinary, non-ideological person, the story sounds quite charming.

Grandmas and grandpas, consider this for Christmas gifts.

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