Why does the media care about crowd sizes all of a sudden?

Cute girls from Omaha, at the March for Life in 2011, (Photo by Friend of Ruth, Steve Hicks)

How many people watched the Trump inaguarion? I have no idea, and I honestly don’t care. The Main Stream Media is going hysterical over it, which I find funny.

Stanford Students for Life, West Coast Walk for Life in San Francisco (!) 2011. photo by yours truly.

The March for Life has commemorated the Roe v Wade anniversary for over 40 years. The media consistently under-report the event itself, and the size of the crowds. The media will have a chance to redeem itself this Friday. We shall see whether they report on the presence of half-million peaceful Marchers for Life, most of them young. We shall see if they give as much time to Feminists for Life, Students for Life and the busloads of students who come in from all over the country, as they did to the vulgar, all-abortion-all-the-time, probably-paid protesters. Not to mention the additional marches across the country, in Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego and many other cities.

Diversity anyone? Mexican dancers at the West Coast Walk for Life, 2013. Photo by yours truly.

This pattern can be seen calling 350,000, “thousands” in 2010, over 300,000 pro-lifers in 2012 were treated equally with 11 pro-abortion protesters, 500,000 attended in 2013 and the media ignored them. (To be fair, USA Today did a pretty good job in 2015.)  In 2016, the biggest stories were about the snowstorm which reduced attendance down to a mere 200,000, instead of the usual half-million.

Check out this video from 2016.

Of course, it would be better if Trump did not exaggerate. But you know what would be even better? If the Main Stream Media took a good look at itself in the mirror.  Trump voters and Trump supporters are going to forgive him, again and again, including for things that ought not be forgiven.

Main Stream Media, you have only itself to blame for this situation: ya’ll have been so completely clueless for years.

Memo to the Media: redeem yourselves this Friday, and cover the March for Life. It won’t kill you, just this once.

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