Divorce fantasies

Kids are resilient. All kids really want and need is …. What exactly? Tune in to find out.  

We’ve been talking about the great fantasy of our time: we are all entitled to have as much sex as we want without the responsibilities of parenthood. Yesterday, we saw that with a lot of propaganda, you might be able to convince people that sex doesn’t make babies. This strategy needs to be backed up with even more propaganda to keep people from thinking too much about the problems the contraception itself can cause.

Maybe our hypothetical sexual utopian could go in a different direction. He could concede that sex does indeed make babies, but he’d insist, babies don’t really need much care.

Wait a minute, Dr. Morse. Everyone knows babies need a lot of care. After all, that is why we are all so hell-bent on avoiding having any babies. We don’t want the responsibility.

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